A review by readeatgamerepeat
The Wearle by Chris d'Lacey


To quote one of the blurbs on the inside flap"Intruiging, Scary, Exciting, serious and magical" - James, 11  - I couldn't have said it better myself. This is just a fun middle grade book about dragons with some very serious moments.

I will say I was expecting this to be more of a "boy and his dragon" type story since the comparison's to Eragon are all over the book, however I would say its more of a prequel to that story- and that the story itself reads much more as a mix of the How to train your dragon book & movie franchises. I also wasn't aware this (might) be related to another Series by the author, most of this made perfect sense and was fine, there were some odd "weighted moments" where I was wondering if a certain location or name was supposed to mean something just because it was written in a way that felt like it should be familiar when it wasn't - but that might also just be a hindsight thing. Excited to read more from this series (and the other series).