A review by novelesque_life
Labor of Love: The Invention of Dating by Moira Weigel


Rating: 4 STARS

(Review Not on Blog)

(I am working on a writing project on dating, love, romance, self confidence, creativity and self love. Currently, I am reading and researching the topics. The books I am reading for this I will also be reviewing, but may not discuss the project in the review.)

This is the book that inspired me to begin my writing project. I am currently dating, again (in my mid 30s) and it is just as bad as I thought it would be (and as last time), lol. As I started to read this book on the history of dating I became motivated to write. More on this in the essays.

I really liked Weigel's writing and her wit. She starts with how dating first came on the scene and grew in popularity. She describes the changes over the decades especially in the recent years with online dating. I am hoping to get my own copy to read again to see how (if it does) changes my thoughts, but also for more inspiration! I recommend this one to those who enjoy history, social customs, or are dating.