A review by maya56
Help! My Lover's an Alien by Carol Pedroso


I love science fiction. It was my favourite genre back in my youth and I'm still partial to it today. So needless to say, I was really looking forward to this story.

Initially, it was looking good. The characters and story caught my attention and I was ready to kick back and just enjoy the ride. But then these odd little details began to wriggle their way into my consciousness, one after the other, and dang - the story lost me.

I'm putting my niggles under a cut because, well, YMMV!
Had this story taken place in the near future, I wouldn't have a problem. But the year this story takes place is 3050 - more than 1000 years into the future - and yet so much in this future world is very like our present world. eg: blue jeans and denim jackets being "regular" clothes; a car still using a floor pedal as an accelerator; the "oh shit" handle above the door in the car; shopping malls; fast-food burger place, etc. When I think about how different life today is when compared to 1000 years ago, this just doesn't make sense.

Also, you'd think after a 1000 years, the "pink is for girls" would have gone by the wayside! *end of rant*