A review by megan_prairierose
This Is Not My Life: A Memoir of Love, Prison, and Other Complications by Diane Schoemperlen


I'm not sure how to write a review about someone's life. This book was like a car accident, it was horrific but I couldn't help but watch. So many times I wanted to grab her by the shoulders and ask her "what are you doing?!?!". But so many women have been in relationships with "bad boys" that are a total train wreck but when you're in the eye of the hurricane it's hard to see objectively. I was totally emerged with her story and spent a lot of time thinking about this book when I wasn't reading it.

Secondly, I learned a lot of about the parole system in Canada. I didn't realise that parolees needed so much paper work and needed to check in all the time. I guess I just didn't give it much thought. I was aware of prison cuts, as I have a family member who works at a federal prison, but this book gave me more information.

Overall, kindness and compassion go a long way but don't be afraid to say I love you, and I deserve to be treated better. I was glad to be a part of the author's journey.