A review by liesjeleest
Rock Bottom: Dark Moments in Music Babylon by Paul Kemprecos, Pamela Des Barres


I've been reading way to little in the last few months, and to get myself back in the habit of picking up a book I decided to start with an easy read. Rock Bottom is a collection of stories about musicians (almost all of them men for some reason, I think Janis Joplin is the only woman featured in the book) who met some kind of downfall. The collection of people seem a bit odd. They are not musicians from the same era or same genres, it seems pretty random. There are a lot of things (drug abuse, domestic violence, borderline abuse) that the author doesn't seem fazed by all too much and sometimes that really bothered me. The book does make a nice quick read and I found it interesting even if I only really know the music of Kurt Cobain and Freddie Mercury, I've heard of most of the other people in the book but I'm not that familiar with their music. I don't think the book was writing too well and I think the author has some strange reactions to some things but the book was entertaining enough.