A review by coffeedragon
Alone by Christophe Chabouté


I was able to read this huge book in one sitting, and like Park Bench, the attention to detail and feeling of movement (among other things) was great! In this story we have a man named Alone, thus named by those who know of his existence, who lives in a lighthouse. Everyone just accepts the fact that he's there and never really ask more. But then that changes when a new sailor starts passing by the lighthouse and wonders, why is he there? does anyone else know? is there something special you'd like?

In a way, this gives Alone a cheery yet sad vibe. Cheery because Alone doesn't look like he feels alone. He has a pet goldfish and he learns words from a dictionary and creates worlds based on these things. And a lot of these words are goofy but then he sees words like Monster and Imprisonment and the book takes a sadder tone as he realizes he's a prisoner

I do really like the ending