A review by mehsi
Secrets of Camp Whatever Vol. 1 by Chris Grine


A girl moves to a new place (Nowhere) and immediately is shipping to a summer camp (Camp Whatever). From there magical stories happen and adventures are aplenty.

Meet Willow, an eleven-year old deaf girl. She is NOT amused by her parents decision to move and is even less happy with the whole having to go to a camp. I can imagine. Two new things in one go? No thank you. But she soon finds out that she is in for a bit adventure and that the world is more magical and weird than she ever would have thought.

I loved seeing a deaf character in a book. It is still not something that happens a lot and so I am happy to see one each time. Because it is definitely needed. I loved seeing her use sign language and also teach her friends bits and pieces. I felt for her when the batteries were stolen (along with the snacks) and hoped that she would get new batteries soon. I loved how the illustrator/author showed us that Willow couldn’t hear by making the text bubbles from others empty.

Willow was an amazing character, and I loved that she followed her own path. That she isn’t afraid. That she is brave and willing to figure out the mystery. There are many scary moments coming up and she braves them all. Go go Willow. She becomes my favourite character.

I had such a big laugh that Willow and her fellow bunkmates/friends kept tricking their camp counsellor.