A review by portybelle
Letters to my Husband by Stephanie Butland


It isn't often that a book moves me to tears but the opening few chapters of this book did. It was heartbreaking reading about Elizabeth's grief after the sudden, tragic death of her husband Mike. It is one of these situations where you can't help thinking what if this happened in my life: how would I feel? Stephanie Butland has written very movingly about the depth of Elizabeth's grief as she tries to comprehend and cope with what has happened. The effects of Mike's death on his mother and friends is also convincingly depicted and shows how people deal with loss in very different ways. Elizabeth's letters to Mike are full of sadness, despair and anger. And when a secret is revealed which shows Mike in a different light, the characters have ever more conflicting emotions to cope with. A sensitive portrayal of grief and loss told amazingly well by this debut author. I look forward to her future novels.