A review by captwinghead
The Housekeeper by Natalie Barelli


This book was a mind f*ck.

This is the second book I've ready from Barelli and one thing she does really well is the unreliable, slightly unhinged narrator. In this story, we know 2 things: Claire Petersen wants revenge on Hannah Wilson and people have said Claire gives them bad vibes. So, we start the novel aware that Hannah may have a very different view on the events that sent Claire after her and that everything Claire says may be untrue.

The story itself moves along pretty well, however there is a point where I realize Claire just put her plan on hold for a very long time. The sort of lull that made me wonder if that was intended or not because it did take some time for me to notice. Claire lost herself in Hannah's life and the events that weren't being orchestrated by Claire, so it's understandable that the initial plan sort of got lost for a while there.

I enjoy Barelli's writing style. I was pulled into the story very quickly. The ending was just a tad bit rushed for me, but I still enjoyed reading this book overall. It's a recommend if you want a thriller type story with an ending that honestly surprised me.