A review by thegeekyblogger
And Furthermore by Judi Dench


Bought on Audible

What I Loved: Dame Judi Dench is one of those rare famous people that just don't strike you as famous at all. All of her stories reflect her beautiful personality and sparkling humor. She shares stories about her theater plays (of which you can clearly tell is her acting love and something she plans on doing until she cannot anymore), her time in movies, and her family. The best parts are how she speaks so lovingly of friends and family that she has had many years. She forms real bonds with people she works with and many of them have become life long friends. When she speaks of her family, you can tell her love overflowing and that makes you smile! Judi has really lead a very rich and wonderful life that I am so glad that she has shared with us.

What I Liked: She told stories about people you knew (Maggie Smith *squee*) and even people you did not. She brought you into the story so that you smiled when she smiled and got tears in your eyes during the sadder parts.

Complaints: None

Audiobook Review: Judi Dench does the forward of the audiobook then turns it over to her friend Samantha Bond. She does a wonderful job of telling Judi's stories! So much so that after a while you forget that you aren't listening to Judi herself.

Why I Gave it a 4: This is a wonderful addition to books about Judi Dench and I love that this one was from her. I wanted it to be longer but she covered so much of her career that she had to be exhausted at the end.

Who I would recommend this too: Fans of Dame Judi Dench