A review by roo_95
Finlay Donovan Jumps the Gun by Elle Cosimano


Unpopular opinion, but this is my favourite in the series (so far! *eyes up March 2024*) The second book was my least favourite - its choice to focus the plot around a particularly vile character was not my favourite and the plot was so convoluted at times, I kept having to go back and reread chapters to see if I was understanding things properly.

This time, there was no such issue. I loved the choice to have the majority of the book take place in one setting - it was a much needed change of pace from all the minivan hopping, farm hopping, house hopping we've had in the last two books. And imagining Estelle Getty (IYKYK) doing some of these tasks in a police academy had me giggling and beaming like crazy - it was just such a fun story! Does the reader have to enormously suspend disbelief with this series (i.e., Finlay and Vero snooping around literal crime-solving professionals right under their noses?)? Yes, of course. But that's all part of the charm, and my love for this series has only grown thanks to this book.

In addition, it seems that the love triangle has (perhaps temporarily *heavy sigh*) come to a close - delicious development between Finlay and Nick, and it's nice to see Finlay finally let down some of those walls she's built after Steven's betrayal a few years ago. Does a heroine NEED a man to save her? NOPE! But like sister Georgia says, it sure is nice to have someone there to rub your feet and back after a long day of illegal crime-fighting!

After this book, certain overarching plots seem to be coming to a close, or at least a backseat, for the next book and honestly, I'm relieved. Vero and Finlay's relationship is the heart of these books and it's so nice to see the development grow with each book.

I feel like this series is (in a rare case) elevated by the audiobook - nothing like feeling like you're in your own Finlay Donovan universe, snooping around farmland whilst on a post-holiday walk whilst listening to Vero and Finlay get up to their endless shenanigans! To quote Vero, "It's a mood."

A strong 4 stars from me for this book! I do think the reveal of this book's big bad was quite anticlimactic, and a certain twist at the end could have had a wee bit more build up to maximise the shock factor - but with plots more packed than a Primark on a Saturday, I can let it slide.

Let's roll onto the next adventure with Roll the Dice!!!