A review by carlyxdeexx
The Lost Colony by Eoin Colfer


The puberty focus of this sequel is all too clear from the get-go, and it might be this bit of heavy-handedness that really makes this my least favorite book of the series! I don’t think it’s awful, but it’s just a bit too hammy about the hormonal shift for my tastes. I wasn’t too fond of Colfer’s choices in regards to Minerva (and Cybelline, I think that’s the new centaur’s name). The demon world’s parameters and the demons themselves are pretty two-dimensional compared to the other fairy folk? Like usual, my favorite characters were the core ones who I‘ve been following since the beginning.

I love how different Artemis’s character is in this book, how far he’s come! Seeing Butler and Mulch and Holly again is wonderful. There are some particularly clever moments in Artemis’s plans that get me, as usual.

I love a good romance as much as the next gal, but I don’t know if even hinting at one is really in Colfer’s wheelhouse. Regardless, I love these characters so much it’s impossible not to enjoy the ride.