A review by alisonhori
The Adventures Of Pinocchio by Carlo Collodi


Read this to my two younger kids...not sure if it was this translation or not but it was quite an interesting read. Lots to the story that I never knew...I didn't know about the blue haired fairy popping up all over the place or what exactly was up with the donkeys. Pinocchio is a twit with a slow learning curve...my kids thought that the Land of the Blockheads and Island of the Boobies were a riot. They were also amused when the stick of wood which is not yet exactly Pinocchio calls Gepetto names and starts fights between Gepetto and Master Cherry. My kids are 7 and 10 and this was the most excited they have been about a nightly read aloud book in quitea long time so that was fun. I am glad to know so many more of the details of this story. Very much about stresses quiet obediance in much of the book which is not really my kids or my thing but in the end when the puppet just turns kind and caring that is enough.