A review by magencorrie
Ten Tiny Breaths by K.A. Tucker


This was an amazing, emotional, heart tugging read! Ten Tiny Breaths had me all over the place, though the book made my heart hurt, I loved every second of it. It was touching, brilliant, heartwarming, heartbreaking, beautiful, and it took me on quite a journey.

K. A. Tucker created a book that really tests a reader’s emotional state. Literally. Ten Tiny Breaths deals with some heavy issues. The two main characters, well, they have a past. And those issues really tested me emotionally. I felt so much for these characters. I feel in love with them, cheered them on and hoped for the best for them. I became invested in the characters wholeheartedly. And when that happens, well, you know you found a great book!

Kacey was definitely a female character I immediately liked. She has the smart ass personality, yet she is strong. Though it did take her awhile to really become that strong character. Now, Kacey had a very tragic experience a few years ago, one that left her completely different. She basically closed her heart to others, and the only person that matters, to her, is her younger sister. Even though, Kacey struggles through the book, in the end she really overcomes her past demons, she is able to stands on her own two feet. I definitely admired her, and the great character development she went through.

I also enjoyed her younger sister, Livie. After everything that happens to Kacey, she stands by her sister’s side. Livie proved to be a wonderful character, a great support for her sister. I also can’t wait to read her book.

Now, there is a guy named Trent in this book, and he is a wonderful character. He is another character whose past isn’t all rainbows and sunshine. Like Kacey, Trent is dealing with some heavy issues. And when he and Kacey meet, let’s say things take an interesting turn for both characters. Trent really brought out very “hot” emotions in Kacey, I really enjoyed that these two characters had such an intense reaction to each other. Though, he doesn’t always play the “good” guy, I really did like Trent’s character. He definitely went through some amazing development in the story, too.

There was also a great supporting cast of characters. Some I really came to love and enjoy!

Throughout the book, I was really able to feel the character’s emotions. That really helped me understand and sympathize for them. The author did a great job in allowing me to really get into Kacey’s head. It was a wonderful, if not emotional, experience. There were times I had to book this book and take deep cleansing breaths before I could move on. It was just so emotional at times!!

The only thing was that I kind of was able to predict a few things in the book, draw a few conclusions on some things. But even though I was able to figure a few events out, the book still took me by surprise! When the bottom dropped, even though I knew it would, I was still left surprised and overwhelmed.

Ten Tiny Breaths was an amazing, intense, emotional read. It had a great element to it, good pacing, and incredible story building. I loved the characters and enjoyed watching them grow. I loved that this book made me experience so many emotions. All in all, Ten Tiny Breaths was a great read. A book I am so glad I finally picked up!

I definitely recommend this New Adult book if you love to get lost in a story that’ll test your emotions. Take you on a ride that will leave you with your own world turned upside down.