A review by christinevalora
Today Tonight Tomorrow by Rachel Lynn Solomon


A five-star read (and perfect re-read)! Rachel Lynn Solomon crafts a charismatic set of characters that traverse from the territory of academic rivals, friends, and finding love in a day (well more like the 4 years of high school rivalry). The wittiness of the characters and set of clues for a thrilling scavenger hunt lead readers to love Seattle and how academic love is a dual passion that’s doesn’t stop at graduation.

I did feel that the ending was disproportionate and rushed in comparison to the journey the novel takes readers on with Rowan Roth and Neil (Perlman) McNair. I’m left with yearning for Neil’s graduation speech, “Artoo” finally having a Star Wars marathon with Neil, and the growth of their friendship. Thankfully my current reread only leaves a gap of three days until Solomon’s sequel, Past Present Future, is published. I look forward to reading what’s next in Rowan and Neil’s story.