A review by cecile87
This Is How You Lose Her by Junot Díaz


Although I found Wao quite an amazing piece of work, I can't say I liked this collection of short stories about Yunior and his life and his family. I didn't care about Yunior and his permanent hard-on. I didn't like the way women were spoken about--bitches and ho's. Ho's and bitches. And them some more bitches and sucias.

It was depressing to me, in spite of what I thought was great writing craft, that sexism and derogatory language will never go away. And women who allow such horrible behavior of their men will never become extinct. My hat off to Yunior's ex-fiance.

The pictures that were painted through these stories were of a world I'm glad not to be a part of. I'm not crazy about short stories in general and I'm glad I got this book from the library instead of a bookstore.