A review by lsparrow
Plague of Corruption: Restoring Faith in the Promise of Science by Kent Heckenlively, Judy Mikovits


I enjoyed this book for the questions it made me think about.
I cannot say she completely changed my stance - in fact I have just as many follow up questions for the author as she has raised.
Reading this book made me wish I could sit down and have a conversation with the author.
There are many theories that she brings up that I would also be interested in taking a deeper look at - the immune/mind connection, how we can create more openness in science to new ideas, the importance of independent research, who might be more at risk of adverse events of vaccines, what is the impact of the use of animal tissues in scientific research and drug/vaccine production.
The book itself seemed to jump around a bit which I sometimes found confusing. Also there are many questions that are not even asked and discussions that are left out. Like science that perfers to not discuss the rates of adverse effects - she often avoids talking about clear numbers and when she does they are not very generalizable to whole populations. Perhaps this is because her point is the fact that there needs to be more research - which I whole heartedly agree with.
She repeatedly uses the phrase "as safe a sugar water" to describe how the medical community views vaccines - however even sugar water is not necessarily safe as a lot of our data on the impacts of corn syrup in the north American diet would suggest. As someone in the pro vaccine camp I have never felt that vaccines are without risk - treatments that are 100% risk free are unlikely to be answers to everything or to be always effective. We still are learning more about how our immune system works - I anticipate that we need to find better ways to protect our population.
These are important conversations even if you do not completely agree with the author.