A review by elcanaldevenecia
Welcome to the Dark Side by Giana Darling


Welcome to the Dark Side it’s not a conventional love story and neither their main characters, which makes it awesome. If you’ve read MC Romance, this is everything you know and more.
Welcome to the Dark Side is the second book in the Fallen Men Series.

The story jumps between the letters that the main characters share through many years and the development of their relationship. How it grows and turns into something so strong, nothing can tear them apart. This book can be read as a standalone, but it has spoilers of the previous one. I highly recommend reading the first Lessons in Corruption.

It has everything you can look for in a romance book. The angst, a difficult past, a strong female character, a sexy and lovely man. Zeus is in my top 5 Book Husbands. Lou is a girl and a woman I dreamed of being like, she’s so strong and so passionate, she brings hope and happiness to everyone around.


This book starts a few years before the timeline of the first book. It begins with a traumatic event that both main characters had to live. Lou is a small girl that ends up in a crossfire situation which makes Zeus interfere in the shooting to save her. She instantly sees him as her hero, but he gets caught by the police and spends a few years in jail. This makes her want to contact him to thank him and the only way possible is by letter. They illicitly exchange letters and develop a friendship. As the years go by he continues seeing Lou as another one of his children and she develops a healthy crush on him. The letters continue and she gets sick, which only makes him give her hope to heal and overcome her cancer. Years go by, he goes out of prison and she met him, and tries to make him fall over for her.
At first, he resists so badly even though he can’t contain his emotions and instincts, which makes him so sweet. She’s not that innocent and tries to seduce him because she believes she’s the one for him. To be honest, she is but that doesn’t make it any better for others. Their relationship is really complex, and Giana masters the art of touching heavy borders but bypassing them smoothly. Not even a single part of this story makes me cringe because their age gap and sexual relationship are healthy. I feel so proud of her because everything was taken care of nicely and slow. I don’t consider he did anything wrong and this book made me reassure that love can be in many forms.
This couple is one of my all-time favorites and Zeus is so perfect, that totally makes sense he’s fictional.
Giana’s books keep you on your seat every page. They’re addicting and deserve more stars. She also creates a new environment, which follows in the storyline. She listens to us readers and delivers better than expected. Her main characters make you feel everything intensified.
This reading was addicting, nerve-wracking, sexy, funny, and adventurous.
More authors should adventure this genre because it’s so addicting. I can’t wait to meet her new characters and plots.