A review by gottaluvioana
Kingdom of Ash by Sarah J. Maas


Listen, this series as a whole is a whole slay. However I have issues with this goddamn ending bro.

The thirteen and Gavriel's deaths were legit so unnecessary. Their deaths could've been avoided and I personally don't think they needed to happen like other deaths in the series.

They managed to get down 2 of those witch towers without anyone needing to sacrifice themselves, and for those who say they broke the witch curse with their deaths, umm no? cause the bridge was Manon, iron melting aka Ironteeth witches dying was already happening, the flowers they put on the site of the sacrifice could've been put in honor of the Crochan and Ironeteeth witches that died without needing the thirteen to fucking die.
Honestly I think they did Manon dirty with this ending, the thirteen were her family, i can't even begin to imagine what she's going through and now she has to be queen of a witch kingdom when she lost part of herself on that field. She deserved better in my opinion.

Now onto Gavriel, bro I was so frustrated and yelling when the mf sacrificed himself like that when he could've just pushed the Morath soldiers until they managed to close those gates, BUT NO BRAVE OLD NOBLE GAVRIEL JUST HAD TO FUCKING KILL HIMSELF FOR WHAT? TO PROTECT HIS SON? YOU CAN PROTECT HIM BY LIVING MY GUY. I was so pissed dude, and Aedion just fucking froze??? nahhh this death was legit so unnecessary, now I'm not against killing characters I think there's moments where that is required but don't just kill them for nothing dude. Now Aedion gets to live his life wondering what it would be like to have a dad finally after all those years spent alone.

Anyways, in my head they didn't die, I choose to be delusional till the very end.

Now onto other issues I have with the ending; Aelin and Dorian losing their powers seemed to me like so much wasted potential as to how Erawan and Maeve were defeated. I get why it was better for them to lose their powers seeing as two royals with that kind of power would make for a tense and fearful Erilea in the long run. But they could've used their powers together to defeat them in a grand and spectacular way and then lose them. I don't get why Yrene of all characters got to be the one to do it.

But anyways, the series still was fun to read and I met lots of characters I will forever love.