A review by helpfulsnowman
Army of Darkness: Ash Saves Obama by Elliott Serrano


The big issue with these issues is that they don't "go there." I normally don't do this, but in this case, I'm advising you skip this.

Everyone who picks this up wants to see one of three things:

Obama picking up a boomstick and thrashing some deadites.
Obama turning evil from the Necronomicon's influence and doing some crazy shit.
Ash fighting deadites and needing to save Obama throughout, and then perhaps at the very end, a deadite is about to decapitate Ash when the deadite get a shocked look on its face, his torso falls off his legs, and then we cut to Obama, holding a chainsaw, and saying a great action line like, "I...HOPE he didn't vote Democrat." Wait, I can do better: "Unfortunately for him, Obamacare doesn't cover the undead."

None of those things, and nothing like those things, happens. Obama is never in any danger, doesn't interact with deadites or Ash, and basically exists almost entirely outside the Army of Darkness story, which also doesn't really involve or require Ash in any way.

I just don't know why this exists!

In Amazing Spider-Man 583, Obama also appears, and the story basically revolves around him. He interacts with the characters, Chameleon impersonates him, and he fist-bumps Spidey.

When a mainstream Marvel book has more balls than an Army of Darkness book, we've got a problem.