A review by 5hadow_girl
Cornered: 14 Stories of Bullying and Defiance by Rhoda Belleza


It does not necessarily take a fist to create a punch in the gut.
"This fourteen-story YA fiction anthology delves into the experience of being bullied—socially, emotionally, physically, psychologically, and sexually."

I originally had this shelved as 'ya-general', but I had to add it to 'ya-horror' as well. [b:Cornered: 14 Stories of Bullying and Defiance|12661669|Cornered 14 Stories of Bullying and Defiance|Rhoda Belleza|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1334265983s/12661669.jpg|17776042] is pretty far out of my genre comfort zone, but it horrified me on a different level.

I've read a lot of (IMHO) outstanding fictional books about bullying - (just to name a few...)
THE 8th by Matt Shaw, JEREMY by Matt Hickman, MY BEAUTIFUL SUICIDE by Atty Eve, and most recently [b:Rage|22299348|Rage|Kimberly A. Bettes|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1400807844s/22299348.jpg|18230091] by [a:Kimberly A. Bettes|5196896|Kimberly A. Bettes|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1453589309p2/5196896.jpg]. I think [b:Cornered: 14 Stories of Bullying and Defiance|12661669|Cornered 14 Stories of Bullying and Defiance|Rhoda Belleza|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1334265983s/12661669.jpg|17776042] hurt a little deeper because the stories lacked the gratifyingly bloody revenge from the victim(s).

* Click here to view full post. (http://wp.me/p37DRX-1vh)

** I have the outline prepared, so BOLO for the full review & author info.

*** I came across an article I posted in 2013 when I searched on BBB for keyword word ‘bully’, and I wanted to share it again now. It's linked from the same post, so please check it out if you have the time.