A review by netgyrl
The Midnight Hunt by L.L. Raand


3.5 Stars - Audible version - excellent narration - the constant urge to f*** gets to be a bit much

So this is my second listen of the this book. I remember listening the first time and really liking it while it also made me a bit uncomfortable. I feel the same way the second time but I think as the book progressed it made me roll my eyes a bit more. Once you get into the book, maybe about the 40% mark it really starts to get a bit ridiculous with the amount of (I am about to get super graphic. you have been warned.)
Spoilerthrobbing clits, pulsing neither regions, pheromones, sex frenzy talk, mating frenzy talk, fur sprouting down folk's abdomens, everything makes everyone horny, all the characters want to fuck or fight or both CONSTANTLY.

I would also say the wolf-were's anatomy is g!p adjacent. I don't mind g!p content at all, i think it can be hot as hell, but the way the wolf-were clits are described they sound like little penis' with "shafts" and "heads" but still called clits... I dunno. I wish the author just embraced the idea and took it all the way and had Sylvan walking around with the biggest dick in the Pack. She definitely exuded enough BDE to need custom made pants. Ha!

If you are in the mood for vampires and werewolves and a lot of barely controlled sex frenzy then dive on in. This is the book and the series for you!