A review by too_hot_books_to_handle
The Two Towers by J.R.R. Tolkien


Frodo and his fellowship continue their journey while the Middle Earth is falling apart. They fellowship part up in three groups after circumstances.

Sam accompany Frodo on his quest to destroy the ring in Mordor. They face multiple obstacles. One of their obstacles is the black shadow of the creature Gollum who haunt them like a bad ghost under their own shadows.

Meanwhile Pippin and Merry get caught by the destructive orcs who plan to transport them to the land of their enemy Mordor.

The rest of the former fellowship Aragorn, Gimili, and Legolas join the armies of Rohan.

Treebeard cross the path of Pippin and Merry. Together they find out that treebeard belong to a group of Ents,(walking trees) who live deep inside the forest. Treebeard and his Ents company lead Merry and Pippin to Isengard to rally a battle against Saruman.

Aragorn, Gimili, and Legolas are reunited with Pippin and Merry short after the battle that took place at Isengard.

Shelob the frightening spider poisoned Frodo. His poisoned body get taken away by orcs and that's where the hobbits their journey end in this part.

This was my least favourite part so far of this series. I loved the world building and the new characters especially Treebeard, but it was to slow pased during some moments in my point of view. The combat parts didn't gripped me that much.