A review by manlymangilly
Columbus Day by Craig Alanson


This is a fantastic series.
I love fantasy and scifi and was in a slump looking for a decent series and struggling with the excessive romance and/or outrageous misogyny in so many scifi/fantasy novels. I wanted a good adventure with likable and relatable characters without melodramatic love triangles or excessive objectification of women.
And I found one!

This series is a gem of scifi that manages to ride the line of technical without being boring. It has a clever combination of characters and keeps you interested the whole way through. I laughed out loud countless times reading these books.

Is it perfect? No, but it's a bloody fun time.

My only complaints can be boiled down to 2 things (mild spoiler alert point 2).
1. It gets repetitive. Some of the phrases are repeated continuously throughout the books, and some of the middle books feel a bit "rinse and repeat". But when it's repeating fun stuff you can give it a bit of grace.
2. The strong female love interest becomes a bit lame once in a relationship. It's not too bad, but was a bit disappointing to see a badass marine turn into a petty manipulative girlfriend suddenly. Fortunately, she seems to snap out of it!

Overall, it's a series that doesn't take itself too seriously, and brings you characters that feel alive.

Definitely recommend.