A review by gigireadswithkiki
Black Sun by Rebecca Roanhorse

Did not finish book. Stopped at 43%.
DNF-ing at 43%

  • The immaturity and naïveté of the MCs read really YA, and the depth of their character exploration also felt very juvenile, which already didn’t set a great tone for my enjoyability of this book
  •  the FMC cannot go one whole chapter without internally mentioning that she’s bisexual. She is ALWAYS mentioning “I’ve always been fine whoever I sleep with man, woman, or anything else in between”. I don’t mind flawed characters if their development is written well but it’s the “I control the waves! Also btw have I mentioned that I’m bisexual in this chapter yet??” Is so grating.
  • Plus the way that religion is being approached feels so cliched and overdone. Like the “oh the religious monk on my ship? I’m not gonna talk to him bc his religion is homophobic!!” Is SUCH  a westernized approach to religion discourse and I’m disappointed this is the direction an indigenous-based fantasy is headed. The predictability of “religion is both good and bad bc community and purpose vs too much culty group think mindset” is just not for me.