A review by mothfae
Tears of the Moon by Nora Roberts


I wish I enjoyed this as much as I did the first one but it failed to charm me in the same ways.

While Brenna is adorable, I found the conflicts surrounding her (mainly with her sister) too tiring as I do not enjoy plots that are driven by a lack of communication. She was also quick to over react violently and that’s not cute, especially towards such a sweet love interest! 

I loved Shawn, he felt very realistic as a character and I enjoyed his chapters the most. Also love that the culture of music in Ireland was touched on through him!

The faerie plot line was once again a shining light for me, no surprise! More of the beautiful but sad ghost of Lady Gwen and a glimpse of the faerie halls under the cottage hill were definite highlights. I enjoyed seeing the less benevolent side of faerie Prince Carrick in his interactions with Shawn, and I’m excited to see where his story ends up in the next book!