A review by crookedtreehouse
Earth to Earth by Alan Moore


From a massive DC Crisis event to ... a romance that crosses into Gotham, roping in Batman, Commissioner Gordon, and Harvey Bullock? No, thank you.

While Moore's Swamp Thing is important in the Pantheon of comics, I don't find it enjoyable. Plot-wise he seemed to have a mission for his overall story, but theme-wise, and character-wise, his run is all over the place. If you enjoyed the characters in the third volume, you'll find them behaving like different people here. Slaves to the plot, instead of masters of it.

Abigail has been constantly portrayed as they crazy, victimized woman, even while More tells us, through narration that that's not what he's doing. She has nearly no agency in this story. She is a plot device to drive Swamp Thing's story. It's a bummer.

If you've loved the entirety of Moore's run, you will probably also read this, but I, once again, found myself not caring about any of the characters in this book.