A review by thebookwormsfeast
Mina and the Undead by Amy McCaw


I absolutely flew through this book! It would definitely be perfect for some October reading, but I'm not sorry I didn't save it in the end.

It's set in New Orleans 1995 and lightly explores some of the macabre legends and history of the city - as a series of murders takes place, copying those that have peppered the history of the place. Now, I don't know much New Orleans history, but I was familiar with some after reading The Axe Man's Jazz a few years ago, and I'm pretty sure one was touched on in American Horror Story too. So it was great to get a little about some of these things that I was familiar with, and I won't lie, stories and history like that have always fascinated me, even if it is so repulsive and horrific to remember it isn't a fictional story.

Anyway, getting back to the review - sorry, I just really loved the setting and backdrop. The narrative is snappy and keeps up the perfect pace. We're propelled forwards, whilst seeing all these little details that seem to point you in different directions while still keeping enough focus on the mainline of mystery. I loved this, as it helped my brain not try to unravel too much of the mystery before it was ready for the reveal.

There are so many 90s references that I am just here for, as it's pop culture I recognise for once! And I definitely need to go check out Buffy again, as I don't remember much of the show anymore, and I need more 90s horror after this.

The only reason this didn't hit a 5-star rating for me, is that I didn't latch on to the characters too much. I liked them well enough, but they just feel a bit aloof to me still, as the narrative is more story-heavy than character-heavy. Now, this is something I am fine with - as it's still 4 stars - but I just needed a little touch more, to connect to at least one a bit better. I did feel some pangs at some outcomes, but I wasn't devastated - and I seem to love a book kicking me where it hurts haha.

Overall, I would definitely recommend it. It's currently a standalone and would work as a standalone - but I have seen that the author does have plans for two more books and hopes to see them realised. I really hope so too - as I would definely love to dive back into this world.