A review by bookph1le
Girls & Sex: Navigating the Complicated New Landscape by Peggy Orenstein


This is an utterly outstanding book that made me think a lot about how I want to talk to my own kids about sex. I can't recommend it highly enough. Orenstein covers so many topics critical to raising healthy--both physically and emotionally--children. This book is so critical precisely because it covers the things about which Americans are so squeamish, but we need to stop fooling ourselves. Failing to raise our children with healthy views of their own sexuality has dire consequences for public health and for our children themselves. This book may make you squirm at times, and I can pretty much guarantee it will horrify you, but there is no overstating how crucial it is to let that sense of horror propel us into substantive action. Though this book focuses mainly on girls, it is a must-read for men as well, especially parents of boys.