A review by readingtimeatthezoo
The Lakehouse by Joe Clifford


Not quite sure how to review this book. I didn't dislike it, but I didn't really like it either. I was offered the opportunity to read this one and after reading the synopsis I agreed because it actually sounds really good.

Todd Norman is acquitted of his wife's murder and returns to her hometown to build their dream lake house he was planning to build before she died. The move isn't that easy for Todd. His wife's parent's live in the town and blame him for their daughter's death, the local police think he did it, in fact everyone thinks he did it. Everyone except newly separated single-mum Tracey. She falls in love with Todd and is adamant he is innocent.

This could have been so good with it's thriller undertones but unfortunately something fell slightly flat for me. I kept waiting for this amazing story to start and it just didn't. It was almost like reading a report, just a list of facts with no life to it. Everything was too one dimensional, there was no real oomph to any of the characters. I really wanted to learn about them, what was going on behind the scenes, and why some of the characters were even there, Dr Bakshir? What was even the point of him meandering weirdly through the story-line?

Unfortunately there were just too many of these one dimensional characters and strange detours from the main story line that just didn't make any sense or add any value.

I know this sounds like I really disliked this book. I didn't, I stuck with it because the plot itself was a good one and I wanted to know what happened, I just wanted more.