A review by peterkeep
The Bands of Mourning by Brandon Sanderson


Wow. This is easily my favorite of the "second era" Mistborn books. It is probably my second favorite Mistborn book in general (to [b: The Hero of Ages|2767793|The Hero of Ages (Mistborn, #3)|Brandon Sanderson|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1415427803s/2767793.jpg|2793516]), but I think that's mostly because I'm such a sucker for endings of series (and because it was awesome).

Wax and Wayne are in top form. Steris, Marasi, and MeLaan are excellent supporting characters. The setting gets expanded beyond just the one main city of Elendel. There are some good twists and turns (although I think I'm figuring Sanderson out, since I saw
Spoilerthe "Telsin is really a part of the Set" twist
Spoilerthe Kelsier reveal at the end
coming). There's a lot of really great things to talk about.

The coolest, in my mind, was beginning to see how Sanderson is stretching and evolving his own magic system. I've been intrigued by the idea of taking his Mistborn series and advancing it throughout different time periods. And it's been really great so far. But the main things have been showing how Allomancy changes when technology develops alongside it. And there's been some new interaction between Allomancy and Feruchemy. But now Sanderson starts mixing magic and technology. And it's really awesome. There's a ton of new (but totally believable) developments in magic and technology that really show honest-to-goodness evolution. It makes me really excited for what his next era will look like, because he's doing a GREAT job laying out a first step.

It's very exciting. Anyways, I'm off to go read [b: Mistborn: Secret History|28698036|Mistborn Secret History (Mistborn, #3.5)|Brandon Sanderson|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1453756231s/28698036.jpg|48896020] now to catch up on more goodies that I'm pretty sure have to do with that awesome ending.