A review by hugbandit7
Brass Carriages and Glass Hearts by Nancy Campbell Allen


I have found that Steampunk books can be quite interesting. I'm not sure what it is about the setting but it feels like a combination of new and old technology, inventions, and the like.

I have read a couple of the books in this series and have enjoyed the books and this one was no different. There are a few things that liken it to Cinderella, but I feel like it is very loosely based on that fairy tale. But that is not a fault, just an observation of mine.

The story that is told is one that could fit our world today - it is about not shunning a part of society and one woman's fight for their rights. I'm talking about shifters, humans that shift into animal form a few nights a month. Most are not violent, but as we know, a few bad apples tend to ruin it for everyone. Emme is their spokeswoman and is fighting for their rights, much to the chagrin of her family. She is definitely not a proper lady by their standards, but that is what makes her a good advocate for the shifters. It isn't until she receives a notice to back off that the police take things seriously. Enter Detective-Inspector Oliver Reed. This isn't their first encounter with each other and I think they each felt something for each other but have never acted upon those feelings. It takes some harrowing situations for them to admit to each other that perhaps there is something there in the romance field.

This also has an air of mystery about it because there are secrets unknown to Emme that put her in danger. There is also a wide range of characters, some loveable, some not so much. My favorite character is Gus. There is more to Gus than what meets the eye but I don't want to spoil that surprise for anyone so you'll have to read the book.

Others have said to read the other books in this series before this one, even though it is a standalone novel. I have read one of the others but really don't remember much that might tie to this book. The curse of reading so much! I think this book reads fine as a standalone, but if you like steampunk novels you will want to read all of the books in her series!

We give this book 4 paws up and look forward to reading more of her works.