A review by louloureadsbooks
The Old Gods Waken by Manly Wade Wellman


I listened to this on Audible, I ummed and ahhed for a bit as I'm not a massive fan of the narrator (he's definitely not bad, just not my favourite). Anyway I'm very glad I went for it and took the trip into the Appalachians.

I've not come across either author or character before, so a pleasing discovery. It's a simple but deceptive story as there's more to John than first meets the eye, although you get hints but not much more. Rather than frustrating, I found this added to the enjoyment.

I know this story was written long before, but it reminded me in parts of T Kingfisher's The Twisted Ones, I think it was the mountains and the descriptions of the strangely formed rocks. And yes, I know TTO was inspired by a different book, but still.

Shame Audible only has the one book available. I really enjoyed this and I'll hunt out the next story in book or ebook form.