A review by mschlat
A New Kind of Christianity: Ten Questions That Are Transforming the Faith by Brian D. McLaren


I don't think I get it. Maybe it's because I'm liberal, but much of McLaren's descriptions fit my current understanding of the Christian faith. His exposition of Romans fits my take on it. His discussion of hearing the word as opposed to just reading it fits what I know of living word in the Lutheran tradition. His take on Exodus as the informing story of liberation fits what I've learned from the works of Daniel Erlander.

McLaren's Christianity is often contrasted with the conservative strands of faith in the U.S., but much of it (I believe) is connected to and a continuation of more historical liberal thought. I do think that his emphasis on the kingdom now (rather than an end-time hope) is a new and different facet, but I expected to be rocked by this book and I wasn't.

Part of the problem (perhaps) is that I'm looking for much more foundational writing. I see that straight forward talk in Rob Bell's works, but I often felt lost in the schemas and metaphors of McLaren's rhetoric.