A review by dominiqueisageek
Manage Your Money Like a F*cking Grownup: The Best Money Advice You Never Got by Sam Beckbessinger


Are you a young South African who wants to get your money under control and doesn't mind an eff-bomb? Then this is the book for you.

Sam takes tried and truth methods like Ramsey's 7 Baby Steps and makes them sexy, relevant and appealing - especially to a young millenial/ old gen z audience. The tips make sense, and Sam encourages healthy money habits like paying yourself first and actually having fun with your money.

I really appreciate how this is exclusively South African! Breaking down our tax brackets, dealing with SARS and how to approach the JSE (which was something I was previously terrified of). I picked this up and it has made me feel so much better about myself and my money path. I might actually be able to be wealthy someday, despite being a teacher...