A review by jigsawgirl
The Secret to a Southern Wedding by Synithia Williams


I absolutely could not stand Imani. For her to be an established doctor of 35, 36 years of age, she was the most childish woman in the book. She never sat with her mother and had an adult conversation. She automatically assumed her mother was not capable of making a decision.

I also couldn't understand why she didn't go ahead with the background check if she was truly so concerned about Preston. That's something that should be done on GP.

I liked Cyril. I wasn't sure about the significance of the fedora. I kept getting a picture of him in my head looking a little goofy. Not sure what he wanted with Imani. She was very unpleasant through most of this book. I liked Preston. I didn't agree with his decision, but he seemed to be a good person.

The whole discussion being had between Cyril and Imani about why they couldn't be together was ridiculous. They were both too old to be sneaking around like teenagers. It was not a cute look. This book almost became a DNF for me because of that, and Imani in general.

I liked the narrator. I thought she did a good job. I would have liked it had there had been an update on Caden. By the time the book ended, the baby should have been born.

I would recommend that you read this book and judge for yourself. Just because I really disliked the FMC and the book went on too long to me does not mean someone else would not enjoy it. This was not my favorite by this author.

I was originally going with 2 stars, but decided on 3 because of the narration.