A review by kurtpankau
Civil War X-Men: A Marvel Comics Event by David Hine, Yanick Paquette, Aaron Lopresti


Three story arcs collected into a single volume that are taking place in the periphery of the Civil War event. The X-Men arc is kind of interesting but is less about Civil War and more about fallout after House Of M. Also, it seems to mostly be in the service of setting up Johnny Dee as an overpowered villain. Most of the conflict resolution consists of characters saying "hey, this reminds me of..." which is kind of unsatisfying.

The X-Factor arc in the middle... is not good. The story is convoluted and the highly-stylized rotoscope-looking art isn't doing it any favors: it's ugly, the characters are indistinguishable and when the story breaks from that art to introduce an element that is more comic-booky, the contrast in styles is jarring. It also makes for a frame that has zero background characters, resulting in stories taking place in a major city that is utterly devoid of life.

The Deadpool stuff is fine and probably has the best-executed story arc, it's just not the kind of shenanigans I particularly enjoy.