A review by robinlovesreading
The Christmas Cowboy Hero by Donna Grant


When ex-Navy SEAL Clayton East came home, it was for one reason, his father was ill and the family ranch was in financial trouble. Once things get back to normal for Clayton's family, his plan was to leave. His progress is interrupted almost at the outset when the ranch becomes a victim to castle rustling. The only person caught is a young man, Brice Harper. His older sister Abby is his guardian and she promises to pay Clayton's family for the cost of the lost cattle.

Clayton has other ideas. He sees something in both Abby and Brice and offers Brice a job to work at the ranch in order to pay off his debt. As far as Abby is concerned, there is one word that Clayton would use to describe her: stunning. Abby is more than overwhelmed. She not only cares for Brice, but also younger brother Caleb. Some time after their father died, their mother took off, leaving their guardianship to Abby.

Abby loves her brothers more than anything and took on the job to the best of her ability. It has been eight years and she truly has been struggling. While working on her college degree, she is more than underappreciated in her job assisting at an accounting firm. Her circumstances change rather quickly when now her brother will be working for Clayton. One immediate benefit is that Clayton's family offer to let the Harper's spend Christmas with them. Abby never could give them the Christmas she'd like and so she accepts the offer.

This benefits Clayton in more than one way. Not only does he get to spend time with the beautiful Abby, but he discovers her affinity with figures and that she is more than familiar with accounting. Even before Brice was involved with the theft of his cattle, the ranch was suffering financially. Someone had stolen countless amounts of money, almost crippling the ranch. When Abby offers to look into matters, Clayton realizes even more just how special she is.

What an affecting story. It is utterly touching. There is a wonderful element of family. Not just how Abby is with her brothers, which is nothing less that amazing, but also there is Clayton and how he treats his parents. It certainly doesn't hurt that Clayton's mother is every person's dream. Clayton definitely did not fall far from the tree, because he was pretty spectacular. When he and Abby come together, the result is just wonderful.

Another remarkable thing about the story is the fact that as much as Abby tried with her brothers, they just needed so much, but they certainly were not lacking in love. However, that love increased a hundredfold after getting involved with the East family. Considering they were left by their mother, the story touched on the issue of abandonment more than once. This was helpful because no matter what good came from their soon-to-be new family, this issue certainly had to be addressed.

The Christmas Cowboy Hero is the compelling first book in the Heart of Texas series. What a start! It was a pleasure to have read this story, and to also have had the privilege of reading the following two stories in this series,Cowboy, Cross My Heart and My Favorite Cowboy. There is another book,A Cowboy Like You, to be released in November.