A review by the_jesus_fandom
Noble Claims by E.A. Winters


 Hey so remember when I said that Semra didn’t get enough character development in book one because she felt nothing about the fact that she had killed people? Yeah, she gets development in this book and it’s massively annoying. She’s convinced everyone hates her, that she’s worth nothing, that she belongs nowhere, etc. and it makes her misunderstand a lot of things people say. (a note I made while reading: “Girl chill you have no proof, ur just chronically insecure”) 

 Blaise is yet another girl who may be a victim but she’s still super annoying. Constantly pulling the victim card, ugh. “Oh I know you don’t want to talk to me because you’re frivolous and I’m too serious for other people.” Sister stop. 

 On the other hand, Treq, the best character, is baACK. But only for a few scenes, sadly. Also RIP the other best character
my man Annais

 Good things: fun lines. And I didn’t expect the developments at the end of the book.