A review by paradoxically
Conspiracy by Lindsay Buroker


Amaranthe and her group have been tasked with a special request from the emperor himself, a kidnapping in fact. Of himself. She and her crew (but mostly Amaranthe, because she is ridiculous in great ways) come up with a plan to kidnap Sespian, but kind of get distracted by other things at the same time that may or may not be related to said kidnapping of said emperor. The POV alternates between Amaranthe (of course) and Akstyr, who has troubles of his own (mainly of his own making).

It's always been a bit hard to tell where Aksytr would land if things for him got really hairy. Mostly because I dislike the thought of any of Amaranthe's group betraying her, but Aksytr has always been a bit aloof from the rest of the group, and you see more of that within this book.

The ending was a straight up cliffhanger. If you thought the last book's ending was a bit open ended then this one would be a smack to the face. On the plus side you finally get to meet Sespian again? Um.

Like always, the book is written so it's pretty much breakneck speed from start to finish, along with a myriad of quips and banter. You gain a couple of new members to the group that you end up liking,
Spoilerit's actually nice to see Amaranthe not be the sole female in the group
. 3 stars.