A review by iam
Demigod 12 by Gail Carriger


Lovely sequel, though I sort of hesitate to call it that, given that this series reads as one book that was arbitratily split into 3 separate books.

Demigod 12 covers Phex's pantheons rise to fame and the brunt of their first tour.
We grow closer to the main six as their relationships deepen, but we also get to know Tillam a lot better, both through Phex's and Missit's relationship deepening and through the two pantheons spending more time together.

I wasn't the biggest fan of the romantic undertones in book 1, and I wasn't the biggest fan of it here either, though it didnt hold a super big part in this book yet.

Phex keeps being an absolute delight of a main character. I can't quite put my finger on why, but I truly adore reading from his perspective. Something about his combination of stoicism, care for others, reticience and natural self-deprication just worked for me.

The plot around the divinity not being what it seems deepens as well, though there are no conclusions there yet.

It ends similarly frustratingly in the middle of the plot like book 1, but thankfully book3, [b:Dome 6|195030387|Dome 6|Gail Carriger|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1696187452l/195030387._SY75_.jpg|196470975], is already out, and I highly recommend reading the three as a whole.