A review by mariapioves
Che: A Memoir by Fidel Castro


"If my final hour finds me under other skies, my last thought will be of this people and especially of you" -Che in his parting letter to Fidel Castro

I loved this book - it is a collection of speeches and writings of Fidel Castro which are focused on Che, the majority of them taking place after his death. It gives an insight into the relationship between Che and Castro, as well as what Che means to the people of Latin America (in Castro's perspective). It is touching, powerful, and eloquent.

I am having trouble rating this book as I found a couple flaws. One being the obvious and extreme bias, which is not really a problem when you're aware of it, except that it seems to have twisted the truth in a couple of parts. The other major problem is that the book is repetitive, which is understandable as each section was written/delivered in a different time and context, but it does slightly hinder enjoyment.

In the end, I think I will give it 5 stars because I enjoyed it so thoroughly, however, I would only recommend this book to people who are very interested in Che and particularly in his death and the consequences that followed it.