A review by guystryke
Meeting Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم by Omar Suleiman


What a beautiful book. I was given this as reading material for a class I was taking over the summer and I just fell in love with this work. Omar Suleiman successfully reels the reader into imagining what it could have possibly been like to interact with the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ in various scenarios, and that really hits right in the feels with some of the descriptions of our Beloved ﷺ. His character, emotional intelligence, gentleness, sincerity, the good and bitter times, ﷺ. He used to make you feel as if you were the most important person in the world when talking with him, and even just reading about this on paper, 1400 years and an ocean separating us, made me feel deeply connected to this man. Imagine what meeting our Master Muhammad ﷺ would have been like, that's what this book tries to convey. May Allah allow us to truly experience this reality in the next world. Allahumma Ameen