A review by noll
A Study in Death by Anna Lee Huber


[b:A Study in Death|23398824|A Study in Death (Lady Darby Mystery #4)|Anna Lee Huber|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1421009808l/23398824._SY75_.jpg|42712701] had me in turns, frustrated and very engaged in the story line. 3.5 stars

I was genuinely saddened over Lady Drummond's situation and her death. I would have loved to get to know her more but I understand part of what made it so upsetting was the fact that Kiera didn't know her and truly regretted not asking her more about herself.

Kiera and Gage were repeatedly frustrated at the fact that it took so long for their investigation to gain any traction, and as a reader, I was too. Rather than being sympathetically frustrated with them, I felt like it just kept looping. Kiera's repeated arguments with Gage about "What she can expect when they're married" were equally frustrating. I did like that they took the time to have their arguments and work through them, I just wished they didn't have the same argument every time they had a disagreement. I understand why she had her doubts and insecurities and I don't mean to sound insensitive to her history and her traumas but after so many arguments I felt like some of them were unjustified.

The Philip and Alana stuff stressed me out. So much. I'm so relieved they're okay.

I adored all of the Bonnie Brock content. As a character, he's very intriguing to me. He's super sketchy and morally he's done some pretty gray stuff but I love him.

When Kiera and Gage weren't fighting, they were as lovable and delightful as ever to read about. I really do think they make a good couple and I was ecstatic every time they stood up for each other (especially to Lord Gage).

Lady Stratford is back again and I could not be more thrilled. She's so cool. I love her. When I finished reading [b:The Anatomist's Wife|13542496|The Anatomist's Wife (Lady Darby Mystery, #1)|Anna Lee Huber|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1346546224l/13542496._SY75_.jpg|19106785] I was truly looking forward to Kiera and her becoming friends, and I'm so happy that they have.