A review by libraryofdreaming
Les Misérables by Victor Hugo


OH THIS BOOK! Where do I even start? I loved it. Completely and totally loved it. Yes, it tore out my heart and ground it into the dirt. Yes, I feel personally victimized by Victor Hugo and would like to punch him in the face. But it is a beautiful hurt, and I feel as if something inside of me changed while reading this book. Maybe I grew up a little? Maybe there was a little empty part of me that needed Les Mis to fill it up? I don't know. All I know is it's one of the most important books I've ever read.

It was really long and drawn out but the language and descriptions made it all worthwhile. And while I did find the backstory bits frustrating at the time they were all vital to the plot development in the end. (I even found the sewer part everyone talks about quite tame and short compared to the insane Battle of Waterloo part earlier in the book.)

What really enchanted me was the amazing characterization. Hugo brings to life characters from across the board, all with charms, desires, and flaws. They are so human that you feel a part of their lives.

Throughout the book I found myself talking out loud to the characters as if they were right in front of me. I sighed, groaned, screamed, and sobbed right until the end (and then cried for a long, long time after).

In conclusion, I would recommend this book to everyone and I will always treasure it. It will be a long time before I find another book that lingers with me so strongly.