A review by laiabrary
Just a Heartbeat Away by Cara Bastone


I don’t even know where to start…

There was very little to like about this—if not nothing. I love age gap romances. And when I read one I don’t mind some insecurity from one of the main characters about said age gap. But Seb was constantly worrying about being too old for Via. Every page, there would be a mention of their age difference (which, let’s be honest, isn’t that big of an age gap; he’s in his early forties and she in her late twenties.)

On top of the age gap ruining this book because of it being the main focus, the book was excruciatingly long. For no good reason since nothing interesting was happening, besides Seb whining about his age, which undoubtedly isn’t interesting.

I truthfully expected to love this since I adore Cara Bastone’s Love Lines Series but this ended up being one of the worst books I have read in 2022. I don’t think I’ll continue this particular series but I do look forward to reading other Cara Bastone books, because I still believe she can write amazing stories.