A review by henrymarlene
Where Light Meets Water by Susan Paterson, Susan Paterson


Where Light Meets Water is a debut novel by Susan Paterson. It is a book built upon a love story, the love of the ocean and the connection between two people through how they see the world in colour, light and art. Thomas Rutherford is a mariner, like his father before him. Sailing is his lifeblood, and it filled his imagination with the colours of the world and exotic countries. Fromm his imagination he captured all of those thoughts, sights and memories onto canvas in his own unique way. Catherine Ogilve lives in Richmond and is also a painter, yet her own works and abilities are overlooked in a time when women of her class only painted as a modest hobby but married someone of their aristocratic stature.

In a clever ruse to continue their relationship (with a blessing of sorts from he father), Tom ’tutors’ Catherine in which she would “learn nothing of further value about art”. What happens is that Catherine learns about the sea and about the anguish and torment within Tom through his art. Tom illustrates his stories through his art and learns of Catherine’s talents; they learn about each other so deeply. When Tom meets Catherine, his life is changed. They do not see the social class differences between them, and they build an indestructible love for each other. Catherine fights for him coming into her family in a class structure, which is discounted by thee majority of Catherine’s family. They have no regard to the ranks Tom has grown through in his work as a mariner or his artistic talent.
Through some very cruel and sad instances, they are lost to each other until there is a moment where a connection is reborn. I won’t spoil the plot but it is at this point that this story becomes so evocative, so raw with emotion and poignantly beautiful. The descriptions of the artworks are just beautiful, and with the motion of the seas and oceans, you will been captivate by the authenticity of this story.
Thanks to Simon & Schuster AU for my gifted copy.