A review by alwaysbooking
Kingdom of Exiles by Maxym M. Martineau


I cannot believe that this a debut novel?? I ignored my whole family for a day to sit and read this novel, once I started it I could not put it down. There was no waiting with this book, it dives head first into danger within the first chapter. Of course that doesn’t give you much time for explaining everything that needs explained but I beg of you give it time the author does explain everything.

I love, love, love Leena’s kickass character, anytime there is a strong female character involved I am there. She starts off the book strong and doesn’t waver throughout the whole book. It’s amazing that she can control all of these different “beasts” with just a magical touch. Yet she doesn’t abuse this power, which is wrong in her eyes and the charmer’s eyes. She of course has learned to not trust anyone with her heart or her friendship. So when she has to trust these assassins for the time being it goes against everything she knows. I enjoyed seeing how she interacted differently with each assassin and how she picked out each beast for each one. I loved learning about each of the beasts and their powers.

The assassins were a different kind of power and so very interesting. I have read a lot of books and I don’t think I have read anything with their certain type of powers. Maybe I have and I just don’t remember. Either way I loved it, and I loved the brotherhood they created. I know Noc was a very interesting character for certain reasons and we had to dig deep to get some of his story in this one. However I loved learning about the rest of the characters like Oz, and Calem. I’m hoping we get to learn more about them? Or maybe get individual stories? I’m not sure I just need more of this world and characters that’s for sure.

I really don’t want to say too much because I think you should go into this book blind and just enjoy the ride. I would like to thank Netgalley, Source books, and Maxym M. Martineau for a copy in lieu of my honest review. Honestly it’s a great debut novel and I can’t wait to see what this author has in store for book two!!