A review by mikedeab63
The Two Deaths of Daniel Hayes by Marcus Sakey


A nice hook at that start (man staggers, half dead out of the ocean and can't remember anything) loses steam soon after before a nice, unexpected two step at the end redeemed the book for me a bit.

The dream sequences and the odd script interludes just didn't work for me and ground any narrative momentum to a halt. For some reason, I couldn't work up much sympathy or feel the stakes were all that high for the main characters till the very end. I think I needed a little more outward conflict with Bennett and the police (there was inner turmoil aplenty as Daniel tries in vain to recover his memories, but it wasn't much fun to read) to crank up the tension.

A decent, but not spectacular (wanted more from someone of Sakey's talent) addition to the amnesia canon.