A review by aliviasbookshelf
As If on Cue by Marisa Kanter


This book was phenomenal. It was a bright and colorful tribute to high school theatre, young romance and the teenage experience.

I was given a netgalley ARC in exchange for an honest review.

I normally have decent self control when spending time reading. I thought I'd just read 100 pages. I read all 400+ pages on my Kobo and it was 4am before I finished. It was worth it.

As if on cue follows Natalie and Reid. Aquaintences because of their parents friendships. Enemies because of something that once brought them together... Somewhat. When all but band is cut from the schools after school activities, Natalie fights to bring back clubs and put on her original play, Melted, and Reid fights to keep Band as is. Safe from budget cuts. But when a disaster of their making brings them together, forced to turn Melted, the play into Melted the musical, how long can they stay enemies?

So this was a cute Romcom slowburn enimies to Lovers. Not something I thought I needed but am grateful I got.

The characters are strongly mapped out and written. I felt a lot of emotions towards Natalie, I cried a little once cause I related to her so hard with some of her emotions. Reid had a personality from the start, a bold and understandable one. Even characters like Fitz, Henry and the main's sisters had fleshed out and epic personalities and problems. It was realistic. The world doesn't always revolve around the mains.

The plot was epic, I mean talk about the perfect grounds for enemies to Lovers?? I knew what was going on, it wasn't hard to tell between present day and past, and the plot flowed at a realistic, very real, stressful pace. (I mean putting on musicals, yeah, takes time)

The humor was amazing. I laughed a lot. so much I'm surprised I didn't get caught being up. It was bold and very much full of everything that is high school theatre energy.

Finally, the writing. It was fluid, it was relatable. it made the main character seem human. Like she knew she made mistakes and she wasn't proud of them but she was also a human being who has feelings and deserves to be heard. It was everything contemporary novels should have.

I'd also love to shout out how much diversity I saw in this novel. It was amazing.

Overall read this book if you love Romcoms and enemies to Lovers.